About Me
1985 M.D., D.D.S University of Messina, School of Medicine
9/86-7/90 University of L’Aquila, Specialization in Cardiology
9/2000-7/2005 University of Bari, Specialization in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Clinical Fellow: Craniofacial Surgery
Miami Children’s Hospital
Clinical Fellow: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Jackson Memorial Hospital and Miami Children’s Hospital
Residency: Pediatric Surgery
Department of Pediatric Surgery,
Ospedali Riuniti of Bergamo, Italy
From 2016: Honorary Consultant Neurosurgical Department University Hospital, Lubiana, Slovenia
2013 – 2015: Honorary Consultant in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery University Hospital, Innsbruck, Austria. Director: Prof. M. Rasse
2007 – 2010: Honorary Consultant in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery University of, Verona (Italy). Director: Prof. P.F. Nocini
2007 – 2009: Honorary Consultant in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Paracelsius Clinic, Hannover , Germany. Director: Prof. J. Honing
European Association for Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery
Millard Society
University of Verona (Italy), Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
Clinical Professor – Senior Lecture Craniofacial Surgery
2006- 2010
Hands on Craniofacial Surgery Course, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
September 2016
Teacher and Director
Asst Papap Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo (Italy)
October 2016
Clinical Director and Teacher for Nursing Course on
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Master in Pediatric and Neonatal Anesthesia
and Intensive Care, University of Brescia (Italy)
September 2016,September 2015, April 2014, July 2013
Hands on Craniofacial Surgery Course, Innsbruck (Austria) July 2015
Director of the Course and Teacher
University of Lubiana, Slovenia
Febbraio 24th-26th 2016
The Surgical Treatment of Anterior Plagiocephaly
VI Latin American Craniofacial Conference
Setptember 17th 2016
New Technologies in Craniofacial Surgery
Hands on Craniofacial Course, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
September 16th 2016 : Scientific Director
Hands on Craniofacial Surgery Course, Innsbruck (Austria)
July 2nd-4th 2015
Scientific Director
11th International Bernd-Spieddl Symposium, University Hospital Basel (Switzerland)
Facial Reconstruction: From Craftsmanship to Art
June 18th-20th 2015
V Alpine Symposyum on Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, Innsbruck (Austria) SORG Academy
March 25th-28th 2015
Resorbable Osteosynthesis Systems in Midfacial Trauma
XVI National Conference Pediatric Craniofaciostenosis, Rende (Italy)
February 13th-14th 2015
Craniofaciostenosis, Clinical Features
VII National Conference SIPO Cough Seminar, Bergamo (Italy)
November 13th-15th 2014
Craniostenosis: Diagnosis and Treatment
Level II Master in Anesthesia and Intensive Care in Neonatal and Pediatric Surgery, Bergamo (Italy)
April 9th 2014 Surgical treatment of cranio-maxillofacial deformities
59th Conference of Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Tokyo (Japan)
October 17th-19th 2014
Use of Resorbable Osteosynthesis Devices in the Upper and Middle Third Fractures of Facial Skeleton
Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Moscow (Russia)
November 15th-16th 2013
Current Treatment Methods for Craniosynostosis
The Treatment of Unilateral and Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate
The Treatment of Sleep Apnea Syndrome
The Use of Resorbable Materials in the Treatment of Craniomaxillofacial Trauma
Texas Children Hospital, Houston, Texas (USA)
February 14th-17th 2013
Treatment of Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate
Advances in the Treatment of Craniofaciostenosis
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee (USA)
December 13th-14th 2012
Treatment of Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate
Treatment of Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate
Advances in the Treatment of Craniofaciostenosis
Yerevan Women & Children’s Hospital, Yerevan (Armenia)
November 26th-30th 2012
Treatment of Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate
Treatment of Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate”
Advances in the Treatment of Craniofaciostenosis
Millard Plastic Surgery Society, Seattle (Washington) USA
October 25th 2009
The treatment of bilateral cleft lip and palate according to Millard
Millard Plastic Surgery Society, Chicago (Illinois) USA
November 2nd 2008
The Treatment of Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate According to Millard
International Guest Speaker Ground Rounds at Saint Barnabas Medical Center, Livingstone, New Jersey, USA
February 6th 2008
Craniofaciostenosis : Principles and Surgical Treatment
International Guest Speaker Ground Rounds at Saint Barnabas Medical Center, Livingstone, New Jersey, USA
June 12th 2008
Advances in the Treatment of Craniofaciostenosis
International Guest Speaker St. Vincents Hosipital,
Birmingham, Alabama, USA
February 4th 2008
The Treatment of Unilateral and Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate According to Millard
Craniofaciostenosis : Principles and Surgical Treatment
International meeting on Craniofaciostenosis, Rome, Italy
December 2nd 2006
Craniofaciostenosis Clinical Findings and Surgical treatment
Odontoiatria e Disabilita’: Alessandria, Italy
Surgical Treatment of Complex Craniofacial Malformations,
October 21st 2006
Technology and Surgery, Udine, Italy
Trattamento Chirurgico delle Malformazioni Cranio Facciali
September 24th-25th 2004
Diagnosi e Terapia delle Anomalie Fetali
Anomalie del Massiccio Facciale e Terapia Post Natale
Bergamo 30 November, 2004
International Invites Guest Speaker
St. Louis University, USA
April 20th 2004
The Treatment of Unilateral and Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate According to Millard
The Treatment of Sleep Apnea Syndrome
The Surgical Treatment of Craniofaciostenosis
7th European Craniofacial Congress, Bologna, Italy
November 19th –22nd 2003
The Treatment of Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate according to
Ground Rounds, Beth Israel Medical Centre, New York, USA
International Invited Guest Speaker
October 10th 2003
The Rotation-advancement Principle: Gingivoperiostioplasty and Primary Correction of the Nose for the Treatment of Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate
Medico cura te stesso Milano, Italy
June 20th 2003
Human Resources or People: Experience of a Center for the Diagnosis and the Treatment of Craniofacial Malformations
Course of Endoscopic Pediatric Respiratory, Bergamo, Italy
June 13th 2003
Surgical Treatment of Airways Obstructions
XIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, Vicenza, Italy
May 28th –30th 2003
Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate: Timing and Steps of Reconstruction According to Millard
Implantologia: un decennio di esperienze cliniche per nuove Soluzioni, Udine, Italy
May 26th 2003
Technology and Surgery
Intensive Care Course to Obstetricians, Bergamo, Italy
November 28th 2002
Surgical Treatment of Craniofacial Malformations